ai tools to make money

10 Best AI Tools to Make Money: How I Earn 100k+/yr In 2024

AI has changed the way I do business, and in turn, changed my life. Below are my top ten picks for the best AI tools to make money, why they’re awesome, and how you can make money with them.

My Experience Using AI Tools

Before I get into the list, I think it’s only fair if I share exactly how I use AI to earn a living.

I have many AI-driven side hustles, but the main ways I earn are:


ChatGPT is an AI-powered tool that assists in generating human-like text based on the input it receives.

This capability makes it an excellent asset for creating blog content, providing freelance writing services, and even developing code.

Individuals and businesses can leverage ChatGPT to produce high-quality, captivating written material or to automate various data tasks, thereby creating multiple revenue streams.

How To Use It

To start making money with ChatGPT, focus first on identifying your niche or the specific writing services you wish to offer. Then, create a custom prompt to get ChatGPT to output what you desire.

Tip: For the best results, be sure to specify tone, audience, sentence length, and your own custom data for the best results.

I find ChatGPT is best for content creation. Think blog writing, freelance writing, copywriting, etc. Optimize and edit your content to drive results for your first few clients, and collect their results or reviews to leverage in future marketing. is a sophisticated tool designed for SEO content creation and optimization, helping users rank higher in search engine results.

By using, creators can produce content that aligns with SEO best practices, significantly enhancing their or their clients’ online visibility.

Additionally, offering SEO services, including keyword research and strategy implementation, becomes streamlined, opening up lucrative opportunities for freelancers and agencies.

You can do this for others, or do it for your own website. Keep in mind building a profitable blog takes time, so if you’re looking to make money quickly, consider offering SEO as a service first.

How To Use It

To monetize, begin by understanding the ins and outs of SEO and how’s features can benefit your clients.

Build a portfolio that demonstrates successful content you’ve optimized, which can help in attracting businesses seeking to improve their search engine ranking.

Position your services on digital marketplaces like Upwork and use your network to spread the word about your expertise.


Midjourney prompts

Midjourney is an innovative tool that dives into the creative depths of visual content creation, allowing users to generate images and designs through AI.

This technology opens new avenues for print-on-demand services, freelance graphic design, and artwork creation.

Entrepreneurs and artists can harness Midjourney to produce stunning visuals for merchandise, marketing materials, and digital art collections all by simply typing what you want the image to be.

How To Use It

To leverage Midjourney for profit, start by experimenting with different prompts to create a diverse portfolio of visuals that highlight your style and the range of styles you can achieve.

Play around and get comforable prompting Midjourney to get the style and results you want. Then, consider opening a print on demand store, or offering Etsy printable products. You can also offer freelance design services, however I find this to be more competitive now.

These methods don’t require a large upfront investement, but do require you to research what prodcuts are selling, and produce a good amount of variations to succeed.


Jasper is a cutting-edge AI tool that specializes in copywriting and content generation, including crafting compelling copy for social media ads.

This platform is invaluable for marketers, freelancers, and businesses looking to scale their content production without compromising on quality.

Utilizing Jasper can significantly reduce the time and effort spent on writing, allowing users to focus on strategy and growth, thereby opening up profitable opportunities in AI copywriting and ad creation.

How To Use It

To start making money with Jasper, familiarize yourself with its features and understand how it can improve content creation workflows.

Build a portfolio showcasing a variety of copy you’ve produced, such as blog posts, ad copy, and social media content, to attract potential clients.

Network with businesses and digital marketers who could benefit from enhanced content production, like digital agencies.

Tip: I find picking a skill, building a small portfolio, and partnering with an agency to be the fastest and cheapest way to make money with AI tools.


Botsonic offers a fresh approach to automating interactions through chatbots, establishing itself as a powerful tool for businesses aiming to enhance customer service and interaction.

Without needing any coding skills, individuals can use Botsonic to create sophisticated chatbots for websites, social media platforms, and messaging apps.

This technology not only enhances customer experience but also opens up revenue opportunities by offering chatbot creation and maintenance services to businesses.

How To Use It

Kickstart your journey with Botsonic by getting a solid grasp of its capabilities and how it can solve specific business problems.

Build a portfolio of your work to showcase your skills and results, and reach out to potential clients through your network or online platforms, emphasizing how a chatbot can save time and increase efficiency.

Offer to design custom chatbots for businesses, focusing on improving their customer service or sales processes.

You can charge a one-time fee for setting up the chatbot and then offer a retainer model for ongoing maintenance and updates, ensuring a steady income stream.



InVideo is a versatile platform that simplifies video creation, empowering users to produce high-quality videos without prior editing experience.

It’s particularly useful for creating faceless YouTube channels and social media ads for businesses, providing a cost-effective solution for content creation.

With its wide range of templates and easy-to-use interface, InVideo allows for the quick production of videos by leveraging AI text to speech, stock photos, and AI script writing.

How To Use It

Start by experimenting with InVideo’s features to understand the full scope of its capabilities and to develop your distinctive video style or niche.

Once you’re comforable using Invideo, consider using it to kickstart your own YouTube channel, or offer video services for others on freelance plaftorms like Upwork.

Promote your services through your professional network, social media, and freelance websites, showcasing examples of your work to attract potential clients.


ElevenLabs distinguishes itself as a platform offering groundbreaking text-to-speech technology, enabling the creation of highly realistic audio from written content.

This tool opens up opportunities for monetization through the production of faceless YouTube channels or by selling distinctive voice samples on the platform.

Content creators and voice actors can utilize ElevenLabs to produce compelling audio content for various applications, from audiobooks to voiceovers, enriching the auditory experience for their audience without the need for extensive recording equipment.

How To Use It

Dive into ElevenLabs by familiarizing yourself with its text-to-speech technology and exploring the range of voices and languages it offers.

Next, consider using it to narroate YouTube videos, TikToks, or YouTube Shorts. You can earn from this content through ads an affiliate sales.

On the flip side, if you have an amazing voice you can actually earn royalties by uploading your voice samples and get paid anytime someone uses them. platform introduces a free way to transform textual descriptions into 3D models, providing an oppertunity for anyone to create stunning 3D models for 3D printing, video games, or even movies.

Whether for creating distinctive merchandise, contributing to video game environments, or developing educational materials, offers a straightforward path to producing high-quality 3D content.

How To Use It

Begin by exploring’s capabilities, experimenting with different text prompts to understand the range of models you can create.

Establish your pricing based on the complexity of the models and the value they add to your clients’ projects, such as enhancing a game’s visual appeal or creating merchandise. For digital models, considering making packs, allowing you to charge more for a bigger set of assets.

You can sell your 3D models on platforms like the Epic Marketplace or TurboSquid to reach thousands of potential customers easily.

Tip: is free! But if you want to upgrade your plan, you can use the following promo code to save 20%: JOHN69

copy ai is a platform that leverages AI to assist users in generating high-quality written content quickly and efficiently.

It’s particularly useful for those looking to offer freelance copywriting services, from crafting compelling marketing copy to creating informative blog posts.

This tool can be a significant advantage for freelancers aiming to increase their productivity and meet the growing demand for content across industries, providing a scalable way to manage multiple projects without compromising on quality.

How To Use It

To begin with, familiarize yourself with its range of writing tools and how they can be applied to different types of copywriting tasks.

Build a diverse portfolio that showcases a variety of content you’ve created using, such as email campaigns, website copy, and social media posts.

Use this portfolio to attract potential clients by demonstrating how you can deliver a wide array of content quickly.

Consider adopting a flexible pricing strategy that reflects the scope and complexity of each project, and market your services through social media, your website, and freelancing platforms, highlighting your ability to produce high-quality content efficiently.


Sora is a platform that specializes in creating realistic video content from text prompts, proving to be an invaluable tool for content creators, marketers, and educators.

Note: At the time of this article, Sora is not publicly avalible yet.

This capability supports the creation of custom stock footage, promotional videos, and content for faceless YouTube channels, providing an innovative method to captivate viewers without relying on traditional video production resources.

Sora’s technology can transform written scenarios into vivid visual stories, opening up new possibilities for creative expression and content monetization.

How To Use It

Think of Sora as the next level of stock video. Allowing you to create entire movies from simply typing text.

This exploration will help you identify niches or markets that could benefit from your video production services, such as creating content for YouTube channels or producing custom visuals for educational materials.

Set up a pricing structure that reflects the value of the content you’re providing, taking into account the potential impact on the viewer’s experience.

Promote your services through online platforms, social media, and video content communities, showcasing samples of your work to illustrate the quality and creativity you can bring to their projects.

Can Open AI make you money?

Yes, Open AI can make you money, especially when used for content creation.

I’ve personally found success by using ChatGPT to write blogs, a venture that has generated thousands of dollars.

The key is leveraging the AI’s capabilities to produce high-quality written content that appeals to your target audience.

Additionally, platforms like Sora offer innovative ways to create video content for faceless YouTube channels, tapping into the growing demand for video without the need for on-screen talent.

These opportunities are not just about replacing traditional methods but enhancing your productivity and creativity, allowing for scalable projects and diverse revenue streams.

Can AI bots make you money?

Absolutely, AI bots can be a significant source of revenue, especially when you utilize a tool like Botsonic to create chatbots for businesses.

This doesn’t require any coding experience, opening the door for many to offer valuable services to companies looking to enhance their customer interaction.

By providing custom chatbot solutions, you can address a wide range of business needs, from customer service to sales, making it an attractive offering for businesses of all sizes.

Charging a setup fee or a recurring retainer for maintenance ensures a steady income stream, demonstrating the lucrative potential of AI bots in today’s market.

My Final Thoughts

Utilizing AI and advanced digital tools presents a compelling opportunity to monetize creative and technical skills, transforming how we approach content creation and service provision.

From writing and design to video production and chatbot development, the possibilities for generating income are vast and varied.

By understanding and harnessing the capabilities of each tool, individuals can unlock new opportunities for growth and revenue.

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