personal finance statistics

Personal Finance Statistics: Where You Rank In 2023

The gig economy has evolved, and side hustles are more significant than ever in the personal finance arena. The trends are shifting, and 2023 brings a fresh perspective on how Americans perceive and approach these additional streams of income. Below we’ll explore the latest personal fiance statistics to see what the future holds. Personal Finance…

freelancer statistics

Freelancer Statistics: Stats, Trends, and Predictions for 2024

The freelancing landscape has experienced a remarkable surge in recent years, shaping the way people work and businesses operate. As the gig economy continues to thrive, it’s essential to examine key statistics that offer insights into the trends and implications for the future of freelancing. Key Takeaways Freelancer Statistics in 1. Freelancers Will Soon Become…

ai business statistics

AI Business Statistics: Stats, Numbers, and Predictions

With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its widespread adoption, the landscape of side hustles and startups is rapidly evolving. In this blog post, we’ll delve into some compelling AI business statistics that shed light on the future of AI business in the era of innovation. AI Business Statistics For Global AI Market’s Exponential…

gig economy statistics

Gig Economy Statistics: The Future of Work in 2024

As the traditional workplace continues to evolve, the gig economy has emerged as a dominant force, reshaping our understanding of employment. Here, we delve into key gig economy statistics that are shaping the future of work. Over One-Third of U.S. Workers (36%) Are Engaged in the Gig Economy According to a Gallup poll, over one-third…

solopreneur statistics

Solopreneur Statistics For 2024

Solopreneurship has been on the rise in recent years, almost in tandem with side hustles and gig jobs. with more and more individuals starting their own businesses and pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams. Solopreneurs, or individuals who run their businesses alone, have become a significant force in the economy, contributing billions of dollars and creating job…